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World Clock Excel Template


The World Clock Excel Template allows you to define and visualize a maximum of 20 world clocks, all running at the same time, in order to help you discern timezone differences between multiple geographies

Release Date

Mar 27, 2024

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About this Excel Template

Supercharge your timezone management visibility with our World Clock Excel Template. This excel template is  perfect for global-minded professionals and teams working across different time zones, and it allows you to visualize a maximum of 20 clocks, all running simultaneously and each with its own pre-defined timezone. It also considers each country's rule on day light time savings. Whether you're scheduling meetings, planning travel, or coordinating with international teams, this template makes it easy to visualize timezone differences and always operate with the right time, no matter how many geographies you work with!


Start by selecting your current location to establish a reference point. Then, effortlessly add countries and timezones you wish to track, to your list. Finally, access the page with all the clocks running simultaneously and displaying the hour in real time.



  • Create a list with up to 20 world clocks
  • Visualize the time in each selected timezone in real-time
  • The World Clock Excel Template already incorporates day light time savings, so you can be confident you are always looking at the right time.
  • Add/remove clocks as needed

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